[[用語編#和文目次|用語編:和文目次]] = 英文目次 = == 0-9 == 0-1 integer programming ([[0-1整数計画]]) 2-3 tree ([[2-3木]]) 5S ([[5S (生産システムにおける)]]) == A-Z == === A === a fortiori analysis ([[追証分析]]) a posteriori conditional decision process ([[事後条件付き決定過程]]) a priori conditional decision process ([[事前条件付き決定過程]]) ABC analysis ([[ABC分析]]) absolute deviation analysis ([[絶対偏差分析]]) absorbing Markov chain ([[吸収的マルコフ連鎖]]) accreditation system of quality management system ([[品質システム審査登録制度]]) active management ([[アクティブ運用]]) active schedule ([[活性スケジュール]]) activity ([[アクティビティ (離散型シミュレーションの)]]) activity analysis ([[活動分析]]) activity driver ([[活動作用因]]) activity network ([[アクティビティネットワーク]]) activity-based costing (ABC) ([[活動基準原価計算]]) additive form of utility function ([[加法型効用関数]]) advertising ([[広告]]) advertising research ([[広告調査]]) affine scaling method ([[アフィン変換法]]) affinity diagram ([[親和図法]]) agent theory ([[エージェント理論]]) aggregation/disaggregation method ([[状態縮約/非縮約法]]) aging ([[エージング]]) AHP (analytic hierarchy process) ([[AHP]]) AHP absolute measurement method ([[AHP絶対評価法]]) AHP inner-dependence method ([[AHP内部従属法]]) AHP outer-dependence method ([[AHP外部従属法]]) AHP relative measurement method ([[AHP相対評価法]]) Alabama paradox ([[アラバマパラドックス]]) algorithm ([[アルゴリズム]]) algorithm patent ([[アルゴリズム特許]]) all integer programming ([[全整数計画]]) allocation of corporate expenses ([[本社費配賦]]) allocative efficiency ([[配分効率性]]) ALM (asset liability management) ([[ALM]]) alternating-offer game ([[交互オファーゲーム]]) analysis of qualitative data ([[定性情報の解析法]]) analysis of urban physical structure ([[都市構造分析]]) animation ([[アニメーション (シミュレーションにおける)]]) anomaly ([[アノマリー]]) ANP (analytic network process) ([[ANP]]) antithetic variates ([[負相関変量法]]) applications of game theory ([[ゲーム理論の応用]]) applications of queueing theory to communication ([[待ち行列の通信への応用]]) applications of queueing theory to computer systems ([[待ち行列のコンピュータへの応用]]) applications of queueing theory to production systems ([[待ち行列の生産システムへの応用]]) approximate algorithm ([[近似アルゴリズム]]) approximate algorithm for scheduling ([[近似アルゴリズム (スケジューリングの)]]) APT (arbitrage pricing theory) ([[APT]]) APV (adjusted present value) method ([[APV法]]) AR (autoregressive) model ([[ARモデル]]) arbitration game ([[仲裁ゲーム]]) ARCH (autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic) model ([[ARCHモデル]]) area search ([[区域探索]]) ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) model ([[ARIMAモデル]]) ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) model ([[ARIMAモデル]]) arrangement ([[アレンジメント]]) arrival ([[到着]]) arrival process ([[到着過程]]) arrival rate ([[到着率]]) arrival theorem ([[到着定理]]) arrow diagram ([[アローダイヤグラム]]) arrow diagram ([[矢線図]]) Arrow-Debreu model ([[アロー・ドブローモデル]]) art gallery problem ([[美術館監視問題]]) artificial intelligence ([[人工知能]]) artificial life ([[人工生命]]) artificial reality ([[人工現実感]]) assembly line balancing ([[組立ラインのバランシング]]) assembly line for small batch production ([[品種切替組立ライン]]) asset allocation ([[アセットアロケーション]]) assignment game ([[割当て市場ゲーム]]) assignment problem ([[割当問題]]) association rule ([[結合ルール]]) assurance region method ([[領域限定法]]) asymptotic analysis ([[漸近解析]]) auction ([[競売]]) augmented Lagrangian function ([[拡張ラグランジュ関数]]) autocorrelation function ([[自己相関関数]]) autonomation ([[自働化 (生産システムにおける)]]) autonomous distributed system ([[自律分散システム]]) autopoiesis ([[オートポイエシス]]) autoregressive (AR) model ([[自己回帰モデル]]) autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model ([[自己回帰和分移動平均モデル]]) autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model ([[自己回帰移動平均モデル]]) availability ([[アベイラビリティ]]) AVL (Adelson-Velskii and Landis) tree ([[AVL木]]) === B === back propagation ([[逆伝播法]]) back-and-forth barrier patrol ([[往復哨戒]]) balance equation ([[平衡方程式]]) Balas, Egon ([[バラシュ, エゴン]]) bankruptcy analysis ([[倒産分析]]) bargaining game ([[交渉ゲーム]]) bargaining set ([[交渉集合]]) bargaining solution ([[交渉解]]) Barlow, Richard E. ([[バーロー, リチャード・E]]) barrier patrol ([[バリヤー哨戒]]) base family ([[基族]]) base polyhedron ([[基多面体]]) basic solution ([[基底解]]) Bass model ([[バスモデル]]) batch movement network ([[集団移動型ネットワーク]]) Bayes estimation ([[ベイズ推定]]) Bayes reliability demonstration testing ([[ベイズ信頼性実証試験]]) Bayesian game ([[ベイジアンゲーム]]) Bayesian Nash equilibrium ([[ベイジアンナッシュ均衡]]) Bayesian network ([[ベイズネットワーク]]) Bayesian reliability ([[ベイズ信頼性]]) Bayesian statistics ([[ベイズ統計]]) BCC (Banker, Charnes and Cooper) model ([[BCCモデル]]) BCMP (Baskett, Chandy, Muntz and Palacios) network ([[BCMPネットワーク]]) behavior strategy ([[行動戦略]]) Bellman, Richard ([[ベルマン, リチャード]]) Bellman-Ford algorithm ([[ベルマン・フォード法]]) benchmarking ([[ベンチマーキング]]) Benders decomposition method ([[ベンダース分解法]]) benefit ([[便益]]) best reply ([[最適反応 (ゲーム理論における)]]) bicursive formula ([[両帰式 (動的計画法における)]]) bidding ([[入札]]) big bang ([[ビッグバン]]) bilevel programming problem ([[2レベル計画問題]]) bilinear matrix inequality ([[双線形行列不等式]]) bilinear programming problem ([[双線形計画問題]]) bill of material (BOM, B/M) ([[部品表]]) bimatrix game ([[双行列ゲーム]]) binomial distribution ([[2項分布]]) bipartite graph ([[2部グラフ]]) birth and death process ([[出生死滅過程]]) birth process ([[出生過程]]) BIS regulation ([[BIS規制]]) Black, Fischer / Scholes, Myron S. ([[ブラック, フィッシャー / ショールズ, マイロン・S]]) Black-Scholes (B-S) formula ([[ブラック・ショールズ式]]) block Gauss-Seidel method ([[ブロックガウス・ザイデル法]]) bond price ([[債券価格]]) bond rating ([[債券格付け]]) bounded rationality ([[限定合理性]]) brain storming ([[ブレーンストーミング]]) branch and bound method ([[分枝限定法]]) branch and bound method for scheduling ([[分枝限定法 (スケジューリングの)]]) branch and cut method ([[分岐限定法]]) branch and cut method ([[分岐切除法]]) branch and cut method ([[分枝カット法]]) branch and cut method ([[分枝切除法]]) branching process ([[分枝過程]]) brand diagnosis ([[ブランド診断]]) brand equity theory ([[ブランドエクイティ理論]]) brand selection model ([[銘柄選択モデル]]) break-even analysis ([[損益分岐分析]]) Brownian motion ([[ブラウン運動]]) B-S (Black-Scholes) formula ([[B-S公式]]) bucket ([[バケット]]) bucket method ([[バケット法]]) bucket-with-hole model ([[穴あきバケツモデル]]) budget compilation ([[予算編成]]) budgeting model ([[予算編成モデル]]) buffer ([[バッファ]]) bulk queue ([[集団待ち行列]]) Burke's theorem ([[バークの定理]]) business analysis ([[経営分析]]) business evaluation indexes ([[経営評価指標]]) business game ([[ビジネスゲーム]]) business model ([[企業モデル]]) business process ([[ビジネスプロセス]]) business strategy ([[事業戦略]]) bynamic programming ([[両的計画]]) === C === calculating rate ([[計算利率]]) call ([[コール]]) CALS ([[CALS]]) capacitated facility location problem ([[容量制約付き施設配置問題]]) capacity of waiting room ([[待合室の容量]]) capital and profit chart ([[資本利益図表]]) capital budgeting ([[資本予算]]) capital chart ([[資本図表]]) capital structure ([[資本構成]]) CAPM (capital asset pricing model) ([[CAPM]]) CAPM (capital asset pricing model) ([[CAPM]]) cardinal scale ([[基数尺度]]) career development ([[キャリアディベロップメント]]) cash flow ([[資金流列]]) category management theory ([[カテゴリーマネジメント理論]]) CCR (Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes) model ([[CCRモデル]]) cellular-line production system ([[セルラインシステム]]) Census Bureau method ([[センサス局法]]) center problem ([[センター問題]]) central limit theorem ([[中心極限定理]]) central server model ([[セントラルサーバモデル]]) CFA (constrained facet analysis) ([[CFA]]) chance constrained programming problem ([[確率制約計画問題]]) channel ([[窓口]]) channel ([[流通チャネル]]) Chapman-Kolmogorov equation ([[チャップマン・コルモゴロフの等式]]) characteristic function ([[特性関数 (ゲーム理論の)]]) characteristic function ([[特性関数 (確率変数の)]]) Charnes, Abraham / Cooper, William W. ([[チャーンズ, エイブラハム / クーパー, ウィリアム・W]]) check sheet ([[チェックシート]]) Chinese postman problem ([[中国郵便配達人問題]]) choice of probability distributions ([[確率分布の選択]]) CI (consistency index) minimum method ([[CIミニマム法]]) CIM (computer integrated manufacturing) ([[CIM]]) circuit switching network ([[回線交換網]]) circulation ([[循環フロー]]) Clarke-Wright method ([[クラーク・ライト法]]) class MAX SNP ([[クラスMAX SNP]]) class NC ([[クラスNC]]) class R ([[クラスR]]) closed queueing network ([[閉鎖型待ち行列ネットワーク]]) cluster analysis ([[クラスター分析]]) coalition ([[結託]]) coalition ([[提携]]) coherent system ([[コヒーレントシステム]]) combinatorial explosion ([[組合せ的爆発]]) combinatorial optimization problem ([[組合せ最適化問題]]) commodity flow model ([[物資流動モデル]]) common knowledge ([[共有知識]]) common random numbers ([[共通乱数法]]) company split-up ([[分社化]]) company system ([[カンパニー制]]) competitive equilibrium ([[競争均衡]]) complementarity problem ([[相補性問題]]) complementarity slackness theorem ([[相補性定理]]) complete graph ([[完全グラフ]]) complete market ([[完備市場]]) composite job, compound job, string job ([[合成ジョブ]]) compound criteria ([[複合評価系 (多段決定過程における)]]) compound interest ([[複利]]) computation of solution ([[解の計算 (ゲーム理論における)]]) computational complexity ([[計算の複雑さ]]) computational geometry ([[計算幾何学]]) concurrent engineering ([[コンカレントエンジニアリング]]) cone ratio model ([[コーンレシオモデル]]) congestion ([[混雑現象]]) conjugate function ([[共役関数]]) conjugate gradient method ([[共役勾配法]]) conjunctive graph ([[接続グラフ]]) connectivity augmentation problem ([[連結度増大問題]]) connectivity of graph ([[連結度 (グラフの)]]) conservation law ([[保存則]]) consistency ([[整合性 (議員定数配分方法の)]]) consistency index (C. I. ) ([[整合度 (AHP一対比較の)]]) consistency ratio (C. R. ) ([[整合比 (AHPの)]]) constant sum game ([[定和ゲーム]]) constrained optimization ([[制約付き最適化]]) constraint optimization problem ([[制約最適化問題]]) constraint programming ([[制約プログラミング]]) constraint propagation ([[制約伝播]]) constraint qualification ([[制約想定]]) constraint satisfaction problem ([[制約充足問題]]) consumer behavior ([[消費者行動]]) consumer behavior model ([[消費者行動モデル]]) contingency analysis ([[状況変異分析]]) continuous distribution ([[連続型分布]]) continuous optimization problem ([[連続最適化問題]]) continuous simulation ([[連続型シミュレーション]]) continuous simulation language ([[連続型シミュレーション言語]]) continuous time lot scheduling ([[連続時間ロットスケジューリング]]) control chart ([[管理図]]) control variates ([[制御変量法]]) controllable variable, discretionary variable ([[制御可能変数]]) convex analysis ([[凸解析]]) convex cone ([[凸錐]]) convex function ([[凸関数]]) convex game ([[凸ゲーム]]) convex hull ([[凸包]]) convex polyhedron, convex polytope ([[凸多面体]]) convex programming problem ([[凸計画問題]]) convex set ([[凸集合]]) convexity ([[コンベキシティー]]) convolution ([[たたみ込み]]) convolution algorithm ([[たたみ込み法]]) cooperative game ([[協力ゲーム]]) cooperative game theory ([[協力ゲーム理論]]) coordination game ([[調整ゲーム]]) copyright ([[著作権]]) core ([[コア]]) corporate finance ([[企業財務]]) corporate strategy ([[企業戦略]]) correlated equilibrium ([[相関均衡]]) correlated strategy ([[相関戦略]]) correlation analysis ([[相関分析]]) correlation coefficient ([[相関係数]]) cost ([[費用]]) cost allocation game ([[費用分担ゲーム]]) cost analysis ([[コスト分析]]) cost driver ([[原価作用因]]) cost efficiency ([[コスト効率性 (DEAにおける)]]) cost of capital ([[資本コスト]]) cost-effectiveness analysis ([[費用対効果分析]]) coupling ([[カップリング]]) covariance ([[共分散]]) cover ([[被覆 (グラフ理論における)]]) coverage factor ([[カバレッジファクター]]) Coxian distribution ([[コックス型分布]]) CPM (critical path method) ([[CPM]]) credit analysis ([[信用評価]]) crew scheduling problem ([[乗務員スケジューリング問題]]) crisis management ([[危機管理]]) criterion ([[評価基準]]) critical path ([[クリティカルパス]]) cross aggregation method ([[クロス縮約法]]) cross efficiency ([[クロス効率値]]) cross-functional management ([[機能別管理]]) crossover barrier patrol, bow-tie type barrier patrol ([[8の字哨戒]]) CSCW (computer supported cooperative work) ([[CSCW]]) cubic law ([[3乗法則]]) customer ([[客]]) customer class ([[客のクラス]]) customer satisfaction (CS) ([[顧客満足]]) cut (in mathematical programming) ([[カット (数理計画における)]]) cutting plane method ([[切除平面法]]) cutting-stock problem ([[カッティングストック問題]]) cutting-stock problem ([[板取り問題]]) cyclic queue ([[循環型待ち行列]]) cyclic scheduling ([[サイクリックスケジューリング (勤務体制の)]]) cyclic scheduling ([[サイクリックスケジューリング (生産体制の)]]) === D === d.c. (difference of convex functions) programming problem ([[DC計画問題]]) daily management ([[日常管理]]) dam model ([[ダムモデル]]) Dantzig, George B. ([[ダンツィク, ジョージ・B]]) Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition method ([[ダンツィク・ウルフ分解法]]) data association ([[データ結合]]) data collection ([[データ収集法]]) data mining ([[データマイニング]]) data processing of survey data ([[調査データの統計処理]]) data structure ([[データ構造]]) data warehouse ([[データウェアハウス]]) database ([[データベース]]) database management ([[データベース管理]]) datum information ([[デイタム情報]]) datum point ([[デイタム点]]) datum search ([[デイタム探索]]) datum time ([[デイタム時刻]]) DBR (drum, buffer, rope) ([[DBR]]) DEA (data envelopment analysis) ([[DEA]]) DEA additive model ([[DEA加法モデル]]) DEA multiplicative model ([[DEA乗法モデル]]) DEA multiplicative model ([[乗数形式モデル (DEAの)]]) decentralized control ([[分権管理]]) decision making process ([[意思決定過程]]) decision making unit (DMU) ([[意思決定主体]]) decision support ([[意思決定支援]]) decision support system (DSS) ([[意思決定支援システム]]) decision tree ([[決定木]]) decomposition algorithm for scheduling ([[分割アルゴリズム (スケジューリングの)]]) decomposition method ([[分解近似法]]) decomposition method for large-scale problems ([[大規模問題の分解法]]) default ([[倒産]]) definite range law ([[定距離発見法則]]) Delaunay diagram ([[ドロネー図]]) Delphi technique ([[デルファイ法]]) delta-matroid ([[デルタマトロイド]]) Deming prize ([[デミング賞]]) Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence ([[デンプスター・シェファーの証拠理論]]) density function ([[密度関数]]) dependability ([[ディペンダビリティ]]) derivative ([[デリバティブ]]) derivative ([[派生資産]]) design of experiments by simulation ([[シミュレーション実験の計画]]) detection ([[探知]]) detection law ([[発見法則]]) detection probability versus range curve ([[距離対探知確率曲線]]) detection search ([[探知探索]]) detection theory of sensor ([[センサーの探知論]]) deterministic simulation ([[確定的シミュレーション]]) DFR (decreasing failure rate) ([[DFR]]) DFRA (decreasing failure rate average) ([[DFRA]]) dialog management ([[対話管理]]) dictionary (in linear programming) ([[辞書 (線形計画における)]]) differential game ([[微分ゲーム]]) diffusion approximation ([[拡散近似]]) diffusion equation ([[拡散方程式]]) diffusion process ([[拡散過程]]) Dijkstra's algorithm ([[ダイクストラ法]]) direct method ([[直接法 (動的計画法における)]]) directed graph ([[有向グラフ]]) disaggregate demand model ([[非集計行動モデル]]) discount ([[割引き]]) discrete convex analysis ([[離散凸解析]]) discrete convex function ([[離散凸関数]]) discrete distribution ([[離散型分布]]) discrete event ([[離散事象]]) discrete optimization problem ([[離散最適化問題]]) discrete separation theorem ([[離散分離定理]]) discrete time lot scheduling ([[離散時間ロットスケジューリング]]) discrete-event simulation ([[離散型シミュレーション]]) discrete-event simulation language ([[離散型シミュレーション言語]]) discriminant function ([[判別関数]]) disjunctive graph ([[離接グラフ]]) dispatching rule ([[ディスパッチング規則]]) distributed algorithm ([[分散アルゴリズム]]) distribution function ([[分布関数]]) distribution problem ([[分布問題 (確率計画における)]]) dividend policy ([[配当政策]]) divisional performance evaluation ([[事業部業績評価]]) divisionalization ([[事業部制]]) divisor method ([[除数法]]) DM (Dulmage-Mendelsohn) decomposition ([[DM分解]]) DMU (decision making unit) ([[DMU]]) dominant logic ([[ドミナント論理]]) dominant set for schedule ([[優越集合 (スケジュールの)]]) dominant strategy ([[支配戦略]]) domination of imputations ([[支配 (配分の)]]) domination of strategies ([[支配 (戦略の)]]) double product form ([[2重積形式]]) double voting system ([[2回投票制]]) DSS (decision support system) ([[DSS]]) dual problem ([[双対問題 (線形計画の)]]) dual transformation ([[双対変換]]) duality gap ([[双対性のギャップ]]) duality theorem ([[双対定理]]) duality theory ([[双対性理論]]) Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition ([[ダルメジ・メンデルゾーン分解]]) duration ([[デュレーション]]) dynamic lotsizing problem ([[動的ロットサイズ決定問題]]) dynamic programming ([[動的計画]]) dynamic tree ([[動的木]]) dynamic Voronoi diagram ([[動的ボロノイ図]]) dynamization ([[ダイナマイゼーション]]) === E === echelon inventory ([[エシェロンの在庫]]) econometric model ([[計量経済モデル]]) economic forecasting ([[経済予測]]) economic lot scheduling ([[ロットスケジューリング]]) economic order quantity formula ([[経済発注量公式]]) economic order quantity model ([[経済発注量モデル]]) economy analysis ([[経済計算]]) edge ([[辺]]) edge connectivity ([[辺連結度]]) edge splitting theorem ([[辺分離定理]]) edge, arc, branch ([[枝]]) EDI (electronic data interchange) ([[EDI]]) Edmonds, Jack ([[エドモンズ, ジャック]]) effective detection range ([[有効探知距離]]) effective sweep rate ([[有効探索率]]) effective sweep width ([[有効探索幅]]) efficient frontier ([[効率的フロンティア (DEAの)]]) efficient frontier ([[効率的フロンティア (ポートフォリオの)]]) efficient market ([[効率的市場]]) egalitarian solution ([[均等解]]) eigenvector method ([[固有ベクトル法 (AHPの)]]) ellipsoid ([[楕円体]]) ellipsoid method ([[楕円体法]]) energy conservation ([[省エネルギー]]) energy model ([[エネルギーモデル]]) energy substitution ([[エネルギー代替]]) energy-economy model ([[エネルギー経済モデル]]) entropy model ([[エントロピーモデル]]) enumerative method ([[列挙法]]) envelopment surface ([[包絡面 (DEAの)]]) EOQ (economic order quantity) ([[EOQ]]) equality criteria ([[公平性基準]]) equilibrium distribution ([[平衡分布]]) equilibrium problem ([[均衡問題 (ゲーム理論における)]]) equilibrium state ([[平衡状態]]) equivalent martingale measure ([[同値マルチンゲール測度]]) ergodic Markov chain ([[エルゴード的マルコフ連鎖]]) ergodic theorem ([[エルゴード定理]]) Erlang distribution ([[アーラン分布]]) Erlang, Agner K. ([[アーラン, アグナー・K]]) Erlang's loss formula ([[アーランの損失式]]) ERP (enterprise resource planning) ([[ERP]]) error back propagation learning ([[逆伝播学習アルゴリズム]]) error bound ([[エラーバウンド (数理計画における)]]) Euclidean (Euclidian) traveling salesman problem ([[ユークリッド巡回セールスマン問題]]) evaluating too many alternatives in AHP ([[AHP多数代替案評価問題]]) evaluation criteria of capital investment proposal ([[投資案件の評価指標]]) evasion-and-search game ([[逃避探索ゲーム]]) event ([[事象 (離散型シミュレーションの)]]) event list ([[事象リスト (離散型シミュレーションの)]]) evolutionarily stable strategy ([[進化的安定戦略]]) evolutionary computation ([[進化的計算]]) evolutionary game theory ([[進化ゲーム理論]]) exact-arithmetic method ([[厳密計算法]]) executability for model description language ([[実行可能性 (モデル記述言語の)]]) exotic option ([[エキゾチックオプション]]) expectation ([[期待値]]) expectation optimizing ([[期待値最適化 (多段決定過程における)]]) expected value of perfect information ([[完全情報の期待価値]]) experiments in game theory ([[実験 (ゲーム理論における)]]) expert system ([[エキスパートシステム]]) exponential distribution ([[指数分布]]) exponential explosion ([[指数的爆発]]) exponential service ([[指数サービス]]) exponential smoothing ([[指数平滑法]]) exposure detection probability ([[暴露目標探知確率]]) === F === facet constraint ([[ファセット制約]]) facility location problem, plant location problem ([[施設配置問題]]) factor analysis ([[因子分析]]) factor diagram, cause and effect diagram ([[特性要因図]]) factor diagram, cause and effect diagram ([[要因関連図]]) factor model ([[ファクターモデル]]) factor of dynamic enhancement ([[動的増分係数]]) fail-safe ([[フェイルセーフ]]) failure data analysis ([[故障データ解析]]) failure rate ([[故障率]]) false contact ([[虚探知]]) Farrell's efficiency measure ([[ファレルの効率尺度]]) farthest point pair ([[最遠点対]]) fat-tail distribution ([[ファットテイル分布]]) fault avoidance ([[フォールトアボイダンス]]) fault debugging ([[フォールトデバッギング]]) fault tolerance ([[フォールトトレランス]]) feasible polyhedron ([[実行可能多面体]]) feasible region ([[許容集合]]) feasible region ([[実行可能集合]]) feasible solution ([[許容解]]) feasible solution ([[実行可能解]]) Fenchel duality ([[フェンシェルの双対性]]) Fenchel-type duality theorem ([[フェンシェル型双対定理]]) Fibonacci heap ([[フィボナッチヒープ]]) fictitious play ([[仮想プレイ]]) final demand ([[最終需要]]) financial asset ([[金融資産]]) financial derivative security ([[金融派生証券]]) financial engineering ([[ファイナンシャルエンジニアリング]]) financial management ([[財務管理]]) financial statement analysis ([[財務諸表分析]]) financial statements ([[財務諸表]]) financing ([[資金調達]]) finite buffer model ([[有限待合室モデル]]) finite source queue ([[有限呼源待ち行列]]) first passage time ([[初到達時間]]) first-come first-served (FCFS) service ([[先着順サービス]]) first-order optimality condition ([[1次の最適性条件]]) first-to-file principle ([[先願主義]]) first-to-invent principle ([[先発明主義]]) five forces model ([[5フォースモデル]]) fixed lot size scheduling ([[固定ロットサイズ]]) fixed point algorithm ([[不動点アルゴリズム]]) fixed review time policy, fixed interval ordering policy ([[定期発注方策]]) float ([[フロート]]) flow shop problem ([[フローショップ問題]]) fluid approximation ([[流体近似]]) FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis) ([[FMEA]]) FMS (flexible manufacturing system) scheduling ([[FMSスケジューリング]]) folk theorem ([[フォーク定理]]) forecasting ([[予測]]) fork-join queue ([[フォークジョイン待ち行列]]) forward contract ([[先渡し]]) fractional programming problem ([[分数計画問題]]) frame ([[フレーム]]) free cash flow ([[フリーキャッシュフロー]]) free disposal ([[自由処分性]]) FTA (fault tree analysis) ([[FTA]]) Fulkerson, D. Ray ([[ファルカーソン, D・レイ]]) function price analysis ([[機能価格分析]]) fundamental principle of economy analysis ([[経済性の比較原則]]) futures contract ([[先物]]) fuzzy AHP ([[ファジィAHP]]) fuzzy DEA ([[ファジィDEA]]) fuzzy dynamic programming ([[ファジィ動的計画]]) fuzzy inference ([[ファジィ推論]]) fuzzy logic ([[ファジィ論理]]) fuzzy number ([[ファジィ数]]) fuzzy optimization ([[ファジィ最適化]]) fuzzy set ([[ファジィ集合]]) fuzzy theory ([[ファジィ理論]]) === G === Gabriel graph ([[ガブリエルグラフ]]) game in characteristic function form ([[特性関数形ゲーム]]) game in coalitional form ([[提携形ゲーム]]) game in extensive form ([[展開形ゲーム]]) game theory ([[ゲーム理論]]) game tree ([[ゲームの木]]) game with complete information ([[完備情報ゲーム]]) game with incomplete information ([[不完備情報ゲーム]]) game with perfect information ([[完全情報ゲーム]]) game with perfect recall ([[完全記憶ゲーム]]) Gantt chart ([[ガントチャート]]) Gantt, Henry L. ([[ガント, ヘンリー・L]]) Gass, Saul I. ([[ガス, サウル・I]]) Gaussian process ([[ガウス過程]]) Gauss-Seidel method ([[ガウス・ザイデル法]]) general policy ([[一般政策 (逐次決定過程における)]]) generalized assignment method ([[一般化割当法 (運搬経路問題における)]]) generalized assignment problem ([[一般化割当問題]]) generalized Jackson network ([[一般化ジャクソンネットワーク]]) generalized Newton method ([[一般化ニュートン法]]) generalized semi-Markov process ([[一般化セミマルコフ過程]]) genetic algorithm ([[遺伝アルゴリズム]]) Geoffrion, Arthur ([[ジョフリオン, アーサー]]) geographic information system ([[地理情報システム]]) geographical optimization ([[地理的最適化]]) geometric Brownian motion ([[幾何ブラウン運動]]) geometric distribution ([[幾何分布]]) geometric graph ([[幾何グラフ]]) geometric mean method ([[幾何平均法 (AHPの)]]) geometric programming problem ([[幾何計画問題]]) gerrymander ([[ゲリマンダー]]) global balance equation ([[大域平衡方程式]]) global convergence ([[大域的収束性]]) global optimal solution ([[大域最適解]]) global optimal solution ([[大域的最適解]]) global optimization ([[大域的最適化]]) goal chasing method ([[目標追跡法 (ラインバランシングの)]]) goal programming ([[目標計画]]) gradient ([[勾配]]) gradient method ([[勾配法]]) graph ([[グラフ (QC七つ道具の)]]) graph ([[グラフ (グラフ理論の)]]) graph coloring problem ([[グラフ彩色問題]]) graph isomorphism ([[同形性 (グラフの)]]) gravity model ([[グラビティーモデル]]) gravity model ([[重力モデル]]) greatest divisor method ([[最大除数法]]) greedy algorithm ([[欲張りアルゴリズム]]) greedy algorithm ([[貪欲アルゴリズム]]) greedy method ([[欲張り法]]) group AHP ([[グループAHP]]) group decision making ([[グループ意思決定]]) group decision making ([[集団意思決定]]) group scheduling ([[グループスケジューリング]]) groupware ([[グループウエア]]) === H === Hall's theorem ([[ホールの定理]]) hard systems thinking ([[ハードシステム思考]]) Hare vote ([[ヘア投票]]) Harris and Wilson's Model ([[ハリス・ウィルソンのモデル]]) Harris' model ([[ハリスのモデル]]) hash table ([[ハッシュ表]]) Hawkins-Simon's condition ([[ホーキンス・サイモン条件]]) hazardous facility location problem ([[危険施設配置問題]]) health care ([[ヘルスケア]]) health care ([[保健ケア]]) heap ([[ヒープ]]) hedge ([[ヘッジ]]) hedge fund ([[ヘッジファンド]]) Hessian matrix ([[ヘッセ行列]]) heterogeneous traffic ([[多元トラヒック]]) heuristic search ([[発見的探索]]) hide-and-search game ([[潜伏探索ゲーム]]) hierarchy ([[階層図 (AHPにおける)]]) higher-order Voronoi diagram ([[高階ボロノイ図]]) histogram ([[ヒストグラム]]) homogeneous self-dual cone ([[等質自己双対錐]]) homogeneous self-dual interior point method ([[同次自己双対内点法]]) Hopfield network ([[ホップフィールドネットワーク]]) Horn clause ([[ホーン節]]) hospital management ([[病院管理]]) Hough transformation ([[ハフ変換]]) human factor ([[ヒューマンファクター]]) human resource management ([[人的資源管理]]) hyper-exponential distribution ([[超指数分布]]) === I === idea creation ([[発想法]]) IDEF (integrated computer aided manufacturing definition methodology) ([[IDEF]]) identical parallel-machine problem ([[同一並列機械問題]]) IFR (increasing failure rate) ([[IFR]]) IFRA (increasing failure rate average) ([[IFRA]]) imbedded Markov chain method ([[隠れマルコフ連鎖法]]) implementation theory ([[実施理論]]) importance sampling ([[重点サンプリング]]) impossibility theorem ([[不可能性定理]]) improvement ([[改善]]) imputation ([[配分]]) incomplete information problem in AHP ([[AHP不完全情報問題]]) independence (of random variables) ([[独立性 (確率変数の)]]) independent set family ([[独立集合族]]) individual rationality ([[個人合理性]]) infeasible interior point method ([[非許容初期点内点法]]) infinite server model ([[無限窓口モデル]]) infinitesimal generator ([[無限小生成作用素]]) information flow model ([[情報流動モデル]]) information set ([[情報集合]]) input coefficient ([[投入係数]]) input rate ([[入力率]]) input-oriented model ([[入力指向型モデル]]) input-output analysis ([[産業連関分析]]) insensitivity ([[不感性]]) inspection ([[点検]]) integer programming ([[整数計画]]) integer programming approach to scheduling problem ([[整数計画アプローチ (スケジューリング問題の)]]) integral geometry ([[積分幾何学]]) integral polyhedron ([[整数多面体]]) integrated model ([[統合モデル (資産運用の)]]) intellectual properties right ([[知的財産権]]) interactive method ([[対話型解法 (多目的計画における)]]) interest rate model ([[金利変動モデル]]) interior point method ([[内点法]]) internal rate of return (IRR) ([[内部収益率]]) internal rate of return on investment ([[内部投資収益率]]) internal transition ([[内部推移]]) international diversification ([[国際分散投資]]) interrupted Poisson process (IPP) ([[断続ポアソン過程]]) interval AHP ([[区間AHP]]) interval tree ([[区間木]]) intra-company transfer price ([[社内振替価格]]) inventory model ([[在庫モデル]]) inventory vehicle routing problem ([[在庫運搬経路問題]]) inverse <math>n</math>th power detection law ([[逆n乗発見法則]]) inverse theorem ([[逆定理 (動的計画法における)]]) inverted DEA ([[インバーテドDEA]]) irreducible ([[既約]]) ISO9000 series ([[ISO9000シリーズ]]) It¥^o process ([[伊藤過程]]) It¥^o's lemma ([[伊藤の補題]]) iterative method ([[繰り返し法 (動的計画法における)]]) iterative method ([[反復法]]) iterative optimization ([[反復最適化]]) iterative scaling method ([[反復尺度法]]) === J === Jackson network ([[ジャクソンネットワーク]]) Jackson, James R. ([[ジャクソン, ジェームス・R]]) Jacobian matrix ([[ヤコビ行列]]) JIT (just in time) ([[JIT]]) JIT (just in time) ([[JIT]]) JIT (just in time) production system ([[JIT生産システム]]) job shop ([[ジョブショップ]]) job shop problem ([[ジョブショップ問題]]) Jordan algebra ([[ジョルダン代数]]) just in time ([[ジャストインタイム]]) === K === Kalai-Smorodinsky solution ([[カライ・スモルディンスキー解]]) Kalman filter ([[カルマンフィルター]]) kanban system ([[かんばん方式]]) Karmarkar, Narendra ([[カーマーカー, ナレンドラ]]) Karmarkar's algorithm ([[カーマーカー法]]) Karmarkar's patent ([[カーマーカー特許]]) Karp, Richard M. ([[カープ, リチャード・M]]) Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition ([[カルーシュ・キューン・タッカー条件]]) <math>k</math>-d tree ([[k-d木]]) Kelly network ([[ケリーネットワーク]]) Kendall, David G. ([[ケンドール, デイビッド・G]]) Kendall's notation ([[ケンドールの記号]]) kernel ([[カーネル (ゲーム理論における)]]) Khinchin, Aleksandr Y. ([[ヒンチン, アレクサンダー・Y]]) Kingman, John F. C. ([[キングマン, ジョン・F・C]]) Kleinrock's conservation law ([[クラインロックの保存則]]) knapsack problem ([[ナップサック問題]]) knapsack problem ([[ナップザック問題]]) knowledge acquisition ([[知識獲得]]) knowledge base ([[知識ベース]]) knowledge discovery ([[知識発見]]) knowledge representation ([[知識表現]]) Knuth, Donald E. ([[クヌース, ドナルド・E]]) Kolmogorov's backward equation ([[コルモゴロフの後退方程式]]) Kolmogorov's forward equation ([[コルモゴロフの前進方程式]]) Koopman problem ([[クープマン問題]]) Koopman, Bernard O. ([[クープマン, ベルナード・O]]) Kopelowitz' algorithm ([[コペロウィッツのアルゴリズム]]) <math>k</math>-opt ([[k-opt法 (巡回セールスマン問題の)]]) Kruskal's algorithm ([[クラスカル法]]) Kuhn, Harold W. / Tucker, Albert W. ([[キューン, ハロルド・W / タッカー, アルバート・W]]) Kuhn-Tucker condition ([[キューン・タッカー条件]]) === L === Lagrange duality ([[ラグランジュの双対性]]) Lagrangian function ([[ラグランジュ関数]]) Lagrangian relaxation method ([[ラグランジュ緩和法]]) Laguerre transform method ([[ラゲール変換法]]) Laguerre Voronoi diagram ([[ラゲールボロノイ図]]) Lanchester's equation ([[ランチェスターの方程式]]) Laplace transform ([[ラプラス変換]]) large deviation theory ([[大偏差理論]]) large-district voting system ([[大選挙区制]]) largest empty circle ([[最大空円]]) largest fraction method ([[最大剰余数法]]) last-come first-served (LCFS) service ([[後着順サービス]]) lateral range curve ([[横距離探知確率曲線]]) law of large numbers ([[大数の法則]]) law of small numbers ([[少数の法則]]) L-convex function ([[L凸関数]]) learning by neural network ([[ニューラルネットワークによる学習]]) learning in game theory ([[学習 (ゲーム理論における)]]) least core ([[最小コア (ゲーム理論の)]]) Lee-Longton approximation ([[リー・ロントンの近似式]]) Leontief inverse matrix ([[レオンティエフ逆行列]]) level ([[レベル (計算幾何における)]]) leveling ([[山崩し]]) leverage ([[レバレッジ]]) lifetime distribution ([[寿命分布]]) lifetime estimation ([[寿命推定]]) lifetime test ([[寿命試験]]) light traffic approximation ([[軽負荷近似]]) limit theorem on core ([[極限定理 (ゲームのコアの)]]) limiting distribution ([[極限分布]]) Lindley's equation ([[リンドレーの方程式]]) line balancing ([[ラインバランシング]]) line balancing algorithm ([[ラインバランシングアルゴリズム]]) line search ([[直線探索 (数理計画における)]]) linear complementarity problem ([[線形相補性問題]]) linear congruential method ([[線形合同法]]) linear matrix inequality ([[線形行列不等式]]) linear production game ([[線形生産ゲーム]]) linear programming ([[線形計画]]) linear programming problem ([[線形計画問題]]) list scheduling ([[リストスケジューリング]]) Little, John D. C. ([[リトル, ジョン・D・C]]) Little's formula ([[リトルの公式]]) local balance equation ([[局所平衡方程式]]) local edge connectivity ([[局所辺連結度]]) local optimal solution ([[局所最適解]]) local optimal solution ([[局所的最適解]]) local search ([[局所探索法]]) local strategy ([[局所戦略]]) local vertex connectivity ([[局所点連結度]]) location based heuristic ([[施設配置ヒューリスティック (運搬経路問題の)]]) log barrier function ([[対数バリア関数]]) log barrier function ([[対数障壁関数]]) logarithmic least squares method ([[対数最小二乗法 (AHPの)]]) logic programming ([[論理プログラミング]]) logical analysis of data ([[データの論理的解析]]) logical inference ([[論理推論]]) logistic model ([[ロジスティックモデル]]) logistics ([[ロジスティクス]]) logistics network design problem ([[ロジスティクスネットワーク設計問題]]) logit model ([[ロジットモデル]]) long-range dependent input process ([[長期依存型入力過程]]) loss probability ([[呼損率]]) Lov¥'asz number ([[ロバース数]]) Lov¥'asz, L¥'aszl¥'o ([[ロバース, ラスロー]]) low discrepancy sequence and Monte Carlo simulation ([[準乱数とモンテカルロシミュレーション]]) === M === M¥&A (mergers and acquisitions) ([[M&A]]) MA (moving average) model ([[MAモデル]]) machine repairman's model ([[機械修理工モデル]]) maintainability ([[保全性]]) majority rule ([[多数決ルール]]) majority voting ([[多数決投票]]) Malmquist index ([[マルムクイストの指標]]) man power planning ([[人員計画]]) management information system (MIS) ([[経営情報システム]]) management model ([[経営モデル]]) management of R¥&D costs ([[研究開発費管理]]) management planning ([[経営計画]]) management planning model ([[経営計画モデル]]) managerial decision making ([[経営意思決定]]) managerial finance ([[経営財務]]) manpower scheduling ([[勤務スケジューリング]]) MAP (Markovian arrival process) ([[MAP]]) marked point process ([[マーク付き点過程]]) market equilibrium model ([[市場均衡モデル]]) market friction ([[市場の摩擦]]) market game ([[市場ゲーム]]) market response analysis ([[市場反応分析]]) market share model ([[マーケットシェアモデル]]) market structure analysis ([[市場構造分析]]) marketing ([[マーケティング]]) marketing information ([[マーケティング情報]]) Markov bidecision process ([[マルコフ両決定過程]]) Markov chain ([[マルコフ連鎖]]) Markov decision process ([[マルコフ決定過程]]) Markov modulated Poisson process (MMPP) ([[マルコフ変調ポアソン過程]]) Markov policy ([[マルコフ政策]]) Markov process ([[マルコフ過程]]) Markov property ([[マルコフ性]]) Markovian arrival process (MAP) ([[マルコフ型到着過程]]) Markowitz, Harry M. ([[マーコビッツ, ハリー・M]]) martingale ([[マルチンゲール]]) master production schedule ([[基準生産計画]]) matching ([[マッチング]]) matching algorithm ([[マッチングアルゴリズム]]) matching in the plane ([[マッチング (平面上の)]]) matching problem ([[マッチング問題]]) mathematical ecology model ([[生態学モデル]]) mathematical programming ([[数理計画]]) mathematical programming problem ([[数理計画問題]]) mathematical programming problem with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) ([[均衡制約計画問題]]) matrix diagram ([[マトリックス図法]]) matrix for pairwise comparison ([[一対比較行列]]) matrix game ([[行列ゲーム]]) matrix splitting method ([[行列分割法]]) matrix-data analysis ([[マトリックスデータ解析法]]) matrix-geometric solution ([[行列幾何形式解]]) matroid ([[マトロイド]]) matroid intersection problem ([[共通マトロイド問題]]) Matsuda Takehiko ([[松田武彦]]) maximax theorem ([[マックスマックス定理 (逐次過程における)]]) maximum clique problem ([[最大クリーク問題]]) maximum cut problem ([[最大カット問題]]) maximum entropy method ([[最大エントロピー法 (待ち行列の)]]) maximum flow algorithm ([[最大フローアルゴリズム]]) maximum flow minimum cut theorem ([[最大フロー最小カット定理]]) maximum-matching minimum-cover theorem ([[最大マッチング最小被覆定理]]) maxmin strategy ([[マックスミニ戦略]]) maxmin value ([[マックスミニ値]]) M-convex function ([[M凸関数]]) mean ([[平均]]) mean reversion ([[ミーンリバージョン]]) mean value analysis (MVA) ([[平均値解析法]]) mean waiting time ([[平均待ち時間]]) mean-variance model ([[平均分散モデル]]) median problem ([[メディアン問題]]) medical policy ([[医療政策]]) memoryless property ([[無記憶性 (指数分布の)]]) merger effectiveness analysis ([[合併効果分析]]) metaheuristics ([[メタヒューリスティクス]]) method of least squares ([[最小二乗法]]) method of stages ([[相の方法]]) military model ([[軍事モデル]]) minimax strategy ([[ミニマックス戦略]]) minimax theorem ([[ミニマックス定理 (ゲーム理論における)]]) minimax theorem ([[ミニマックス定理 (数理計画における)]]) minimax value ([[ミニマックス値]]) minimum cost flow problem ([[最小費用フロー問題]]) minimum spanning tree ([[最小全域木]]) minimum spanning tree problem ([[最小木問題]]) minimum Steiner tree ([[最小シュタイナー木]]) minimum-weight triangulation ([[重み最小三角形分割]]) MIS (management information system) ([[MIS]]) mix efficiency ([[ミックス効率性]]) mixed integer programming (MIP) ([[混合整数計画]]) mixed model assembly line ([[混合品種組立ライン]]) mixed model sequencing ([[混合品種の順序付け]]) mixed model sequencing algorithm ([[混合品種順序付けアルゴリズム]]) mixed queueing network ([[混合型待ち行列ネットワーク]]) mixed strategy ([[混合戦略]]) MM (Modigliani and Miller) theory ([[MM理論]]) model ([[モデル]]) model based method ([[モデル型調整法]]) model composition ([[モデル合成]]) model description language ([[モデル記述言語]]) model instance ([[モデル具体例]]) model integration ([[モデル統合]]) model management ([[モデル管理]]) model type ([[モデル型]]) model/data independence ([[モデル/データ独立]]) model/solver independence ([[モデル/ソルバー独立]]) model-base management ([[モデルベース管理]]) modeling life cycle ([[モデルライフサイクル]]) moment generating function ([[積率母関数]]) Monte Carlo method ([[モンテカルロ法]]) moving average (MA) model ([[移動平均モデル]]) moving target problem ([[移動目標問題]]) moving-average-type method ([[移動平均法]]) MRP (material requirements planning) ([[MRP]]) MRP II (manufacturing resource planning) ([[MRP II]]) M-sequence method ([[M系列法]]) MTBF (mean time between failures) ([[MTBF]]) MTTF (mean time to failure) ([[MTTF]]) MTTR (mean time to repair) ([[MTTR]]) multicommodity flow ([[多品種フロー]]) multidimensional scaling ([[多次元尺度構成法]]) multifaceted nature of business evaluation ([[経営評価の多面性]]) multi-function worker ([[多能工]]) multiobjective programming ([[多目的計画]]) multiple correlation coefficient ([[重相関係数]]) multiplicative congruential method ([[乗算合同法]]) multiplicative form of utility function ([[乗法型効用関数]]) multiplier method ([[乗数法 (数理計画の)]]) multistage stochastic decision tree-table ([[多段確率決定樹表]]) multi-start local search ([[多スタート局所探索]]) multivariate analysis ([[多変量解析]]) multivariate distribution ([[多次元分布]]) multivariate normal distribution ([[多次元正規分布]]) mutually exclusive proposals ([[排反案]]) mutually independent proposals ([[独立案]]) MVA (mean value analysis) ([[MVA]]) === N === Nash bargaining solution ([[ナッシュ交渉解]]) Nash equilibrium ([[ナッシュ均衡]]) Nash program ([[ナッシュプログラム]]) Nash solution ([[ナッシュ解]]) Nash, John F. ([[ナッシュ, ジョン・F]]) NBU (new better than used) ([[NBU]]) nearest neighbor method ([[最近近傍法]]) nearest-neighbor graph ([[最近傍グラフ]]) negative customer ([[負の客]]) negative-valued multiplicative criterion ([[負値乗法型評価系]]) negative-valued multiplicatively additive criterion ([[負値乗加法型評価系]]) nested policy ([[入れ子方策]]) net present value ([[正味現在価値]]) network ([[ネットワーク]]) network flow problem ([[ネットワークフロー問題]]) network reliability ([[ネットワーク信頼性]]) network structure ([[ネットワーク構造 (ANPの)]]) neural network ([[ニューラルネットワーク]]) Neuts, Marcel F. ([[ニューツ, マーセル・F]]) new product concept generation ([[新製品コンセプト開発]]) new product forecasting model ([[新製品予測モデル]]) new QC (quality control) seven tools ([[新QC七つ道具]]) newsboy problem ([[新聞売り子問題]]) Newton's method ([[ニュートン法]]) no arbitrage pricing model ([[デリバティブ評価モデル]]) nonconvex programming problem ([[非凸計画問題]]) noncooperative game ([[非協力ゲーム]]) noncooperative game theory ([[非協力ゲーム理論]]) nondifferentiable optimization, nonsmooth optimization ([[微分不可能最適化]]) nonlinear complementarity problem ([[非線形相補性問題]]) nonlinear programming ([[非線形計画]]) nonlinear programming problem ([[非線形計画問題]]) non-monotonic reasoning ([[非単調推論]]) nonoptimization ([[非最適化]]) nonseparability ([[非可分性 (動的計画法における)]]) non-uniform random numbers ([[非一様乱数]]) non-zerosum game ([[非ゼロ和ゲーム]]) normal distribution ([[正規分布]]) normal form game ([[標準形ゲーム]]) normalizing constant for network state distribution ([[ネットワーク状態分布の正規化定数]]) Norton's theorem ([[ノートンの定理]]) NP hard ([[NP困難]]) nucleolus ([[仁]]) number of customers in the system ([[系内人数]]) number of servers ([[窓口の数]]) numerical method for Markov chain ([[マルコフ連鎖の数値解法]]) nurse scheduling ([[ナーススケジューリング]]) NWU (new worse than used) ([[NWU]]) === O === objective function ([[目的関数]]) object-oriented ([[オブジェクト指向]]) octree ([[八分木]]) Ohno Taiichi ([[大野耐一]]) OLAP (on-line analytical processing) ([[OLAP]]) one-machine scheduling problem ([[1機械問題]]) one-to-one marketing theory ([[ワントゥワンマーケティング理論]]) on-line algorithm ([[オンラインアルゴリズム]]) open queueing network ([[開放型待ち行列ネットワーク]]) open shop problem ([[オープンショップ問題]]) operations research, operational research ([[オペレーションズ・リサーチ]]) operator splitting method ([[作用素分割法]]) opportunity cost ([[機会損失]]) optimal distribution of searching effort ([[探索努力の最適配分]]) optimal drawing (of map) ([[筆順最適化 (地図描画の)]]) optimal solution ([[最適解]]) optimal stopping ([[最適停止]]) optimality condition ([[最適性条件 (非線形計画における)]]) optimization by simulation ([[シミュレーションによる最適化]]) optimization problem ([[最適化問題]]) option ([[オプション]]) optional sampling theorem ([[任意抽出定理]]) OR in criminal justice ([[裁判研究のOR]]) OR in sports ([[スポーツのOR]]) order control ([[製番管理]]) ordinal scale ([[順序尺度]]) organization ([[組織体]]) organizational intelligence ([[組織知能]]) organizational learning ([[組織学習]]) Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process ([[オルンシュタイン・ウーレンベック過程]]) output-oriented model ([[出力指向型モデル]]) outsourcing ([[アウトソーシング]]) overall efficiency ([[全体効率性]]) overall evaluation of management ([[経営の総合評価]]) overflow probability ([[溢れ確率]]) overhead costs ([[間接費]]) overhead costs management ([[間接費管理]]) over-relaxation method ([[過剰緩和法]]) overtime ([[残業]]) === P === Page's approximation ([[ページの近似式]]) paired comparison ([[一対比較 (投票理論における)]]) pairwise comparison ([[一対比較]]) pairwise comparison ([[一対比較評価 (AHPにおける)]]) Palm distribution ([[パルム分布]]) parallel algorithm ([[並列アルゴリズム]]) parallel algorithm ([[並列アルゴリズム (数理計画問題の)]]) parallel queueing system ([[並列待ち行列]]) parallel simulation ([[並列シミュレーション]]) parallel sweep, raster scan ([[平行探索]]) parallel-machine problem ([[並列機械問題]]) Pareto diagram ([[パレート図]]) Pareto domination ([[パレート支配]]) Pareto optimal solution ([[パレート最適解]]) Pareto optimum ([[パレート最適]]) partial stability of queueing network ([[待ち行列ネットワークの部分安定性]]) passive management ([[パッシブ運用]]) PASTA (Poisson arrivals see time averages) ([[PASTA]]) patent ([[特許]]) path of centers ([[中心パス]]) payback period ([[回収期間]]) payoff ([[ペイオフ]]) payoff ([[利得 (ゲームの)]]) payoff bimatrix ([[利得双行列 (ゲームの)]]) payoff function ([[利得関数]]) payoff matrix ([[利得行列 (ゲームの)]]) <math>p</math>-center problem ([[p-センター問題]]) PDPC (process decision program chart) ([[PDPC]]) penalty function method ([[ペナルティ関数法]]) penalty function method ([[罰金関数法]]) perfect equilibrium ([[完全均衡]]) perfect graph ([[パーフェクトグラフ]]) perfect graph conjecture ([[パーフェクトグラフ予想]]) PERT (program evaluation and review technique) ([[PERT]]) PERT network ([[PERTネットワーク]]) Petri net ([[ペトリネット]]) phase-type distribution ([[相型分布]]) physical distribution ([[物流]]) pivot ([[ピボット]]) plan evaluation ([[計画評価]]) planar graph ([[平面グラフ]]) planning and development of new product ([[製品企画開発]]) planning horizon ([[計画期間]]) plant location problem ([[工場立地問題]]) player ([[プレイヤー]]) <math>p</math>-median problem ([[p-メディアン問題]]) point location ([[点位置決定]]) point process ([[点過程]]) Poisson arrivals ([[ポアソン到着]]) Poisson distribution ([[ポアソン分布]]) Poisson model ([[ポアソンモデル (地域モデルとしての)]]) Poisson process ([[ポアソン過程]]) polar transformation ([[極変換]]) policy analysis ([[政策分析]]) policy evaluation ([[政策評価]]) policy iteration algorithm ([[政策反復アルゴリズム]]) policy management ([[方針管理]]) political districting problem ([[選挙区割問題]]) Pollaczek-Khintchine formula ([[ポラチェック・ヒンチンの公式]]) polling model ([[ポーリングモデル]]) polyhedral theory ([[多面体理論]]) polymatroid ([[ポリマトロイド]]) polynomial time algorithm ([[多項式時間アルゴリズム]]) polynomial time algorithm ([[多項式時間解法]]) population movement model ([[人口移動モデル]]) portfolio ([[ポートフォリオ]]) positioning analysis ([[ポジショニング分析]]) posterior probability distribution of target ([[事後目標分布]]) postman problem ([[郵便配達人問題]]) potential function ([[ポテンシャル関数 (内点法の)]]) power index ([[パワー指数]]) power of dispersion ([[影響力係数]]) power of two policy ([[2のべき乗方策]]) precedence relation ([[先行関係]]) prediction of market potentiality ([[市場性の予測]]) predictor-corrector interior point method ([[予測子修正子内点法]]) preference relation ([[選好関係]]) preimputation ([[準配分]]) prey/predator model ([[捕食者/被食者モデル]]) price ([[価格]]) pricing model ([[価格設定モデル]]) primal-dual interior point method ([[主双対内点法]]) primitive policy ([[原始政策]]) Prim's algorithm ([[プリム法]]) principal component analysis ([[主成分分析]]) principal partition ([[基本分割]]) principle of invariant imbedding ([[不変埋没原理]]) principle of optimality ([[最適性の原理]]) priority ([[優先権]]) priority queue ([[優先権待ち行列]]) prisoner's dilemma ([[囚人のジレンマ]]) probabilistic algorithm ([[確率アルゴリズム]]) probabilistic distribution of operation time ([[作業時間の確率変動]]) probabilistic routing ([[確率的経路選択]]) probability density function ([[確率密度関数]]) probability distribution ([[確率分布]]) probability distribution of diffusive target ([[拡散目標分布 (探索における)]]) probability distribution of target ([[目標存在分布]]) probability for wait ([[待ち確率]]) probability function ([[確率関数]]) probability optimizing ([[確率最適化 (多段決定過程における)]]) probability plotting method ([[確率打点法]]) probit model ([[プロビットモデル]]) problem solving ([[問題解決]]) process decision program chart (PDPC) ([[過程決定計画図]]) process with independent increment ([[独立増分過程]]) processor sharing ([[プロセッサシェアリング]]) product ([[製品]]) product development risk ([[開発リスク]]) product test ([[製品テスト]]) product-form network ([[積形式ネットワーク]]) product-form solution ([[積形式解]]) production function ([[生産関数]]) production inducement coefficient ([[感応度係数]]) production management ([[生産管理]]) production possibility set ([[生産可能集合]]) production rule ([[プロダクション規則]]) production run ([[製造連]]) production system ([[プロダクションシステム]]) profit chart ([[利益図表]]) profit efficiency ([[利益効率性]]) profit planning model ([[利益計画モデル]]) project management ([[プロジェクト管理]]) projective transformation ([[射影変換]]) promotion ([[プロモーション]]) promotion effect model ([[プロモーション効果分析]]) proportional system ([[比例代表制]]) propositional logic ([[命題論理]]) proximal point method ([[近接点法]]) PTAS (polynomial time approximation scheme) ([[PTAS]]) public facility location problem ([[公共施設配置問題]]) public good provision game ([[公共財供給ゲーム]]) public policy ([[公共政策]]) pull system ([[プル方式]]) pull system ([[引っ張り型システム]]) purchasing behavior model ([[購買行動モデル]]) pure strategy ([[純戦略]]) push system ([[プッシュ方式]]) push system ([[押し出し型システム]]) put ([[プット]]) === Q === QC (quality control) circle ([[QCサークル]]) QC (quality control) seven tools ([[QC七つ道具]]) QC (quality control) story ([[QCストーリー]]) QNA (queueing network analyzer) ([[QNA]]) quadratic assignment problem (QAP) ([[2次割当問題]]) quadratic programming problem ([[2次計画問題]]) quadtree ([[四分木]]) qualitative reasoning ([[定性推論]]) quality assurance ([[品質保証]]) quality control (QC), quality management ([[品質管理]]) quality function deployment (QFD) ([[品質機能展開]]) quality of service (QoS) ([[サービス品質]]) quantification method ([[数量化法]]) quasi-Newton method ([[準ニュートン法]]) quasi-reversibility ([[準可逆性]]) queue ([[待ち行列]]) queue length ([[待ち行列長]]) queueing model ([[待ち行列モデル]]) queueing model M/G/1 ([[待ち行列モデル M/G/1]]) queueing model M/M/1 ([[待ち行列モデル M/M/1]]) queueing model M/M/<math>c</math> ([[待ち行列モデル M/M/c]]) queueing model M/M/<math>c</math>/<math>c</math> ([[待ち行列モデル M/M/c/c]]) queueing model MAP/MAP/<math>c</math> ([[待ち行列モデル MAP/MAP/c]]) queueing model with vacationing server ([[待ち行列のバケーションサーバモデル]]) queueing network ([[待ち行列ネットワーク]]) queueing network ([[待ち行列網]]) === R === R¥&D project selection ([[研究開発課題選択]]) radial efficiency ([[比例的効率性]]) radial metric ([[動径距離]]) random index (R. I. ) ([[ランダム整合度 (AHPの)]]) random numbers ([[乱数]]) random order service ([[ランダム順サービス]]) random search ([[ランダム探索 (探索理論における)]]) random search method ([[ランダム探索法 (最適化における)]]) random walk ([[ランダムウォーク]]) random walk ([[酔歩]]) random walk ([[乱歩]]) random walk hypothesis ([[ランダムウォーク仮説]]) randomization ([[ランダマイゼーション]]) range search ([[領域探索]]) range tree ([[領域木]]) rank correlation coefficient ([[順位相関係数]]) rank function ([[階数関数]]) rank reversal problem in AHP ([[AHP順位逆転現象問題]]) ranking system of the degree of competence by type of job group ([[職能資格制度]]) RAS method ([[RAS法]]) rate conservation law ([[率保存則]]) rate matrix ([[公比行列]]) rate of convergence ([[収束率]]) rating ([[格付け (倒産リスクの)]]) ratio form model ([[比率形式モデル]]) recovery technique ([[回復技術]]) recurrence probability ([[再帰確率]]) recursive formula ([[再帰式 (動的計画法の)]]) red black tree ([[2色木]]) red black tree ([[赤黒木]]) redundancy ([[冗長性]]) re-engineering ([[リエンジニアリング]]) reference set ([[参照集合]]) reflection principle ([[鏡像原理]]) reflection principle ([[反射原理]]) region of approach ([[近接可能領域]]) region partitioning method ([[領域分割法]]) regression analysis ([[回帰分析]]) regular measure ([[正則尺度]]) regular triangulation ([[正則三角形分割]]) relation diagram ([[連関図法]]) relative neighborhood graph ([[相対近傍グラフ]]) reliability ([[信頼性]]) reliability ([[信頼度]]) reliability allocation ([[信頼度配分]]) reliability design of system ([[システムの信頼性設計]]) reliability test ([[信頼性試験]]) renewal arrivals ([[再生過程到着]]) renewal process ([[再生過程]]) renewal theorem ([[再生定理]]) repair ([[修理]]) repeated call model ([[再呼モデル]]) repeated game ([[繰り返しゲーム]]) replacement ([[取替え]]) replicator dynamics ([[自己複製子動学]]) research and development (R¥&D) ([[研究開発]]) residence-office commuting model ([[職住通勤モデル]]) resolution principle ([[導出原理]]) resource constraint ([[資源制約]]) resource driver ([[資源作用因]]) resource management model ([[資源管理モデル]]) resource-based view ([[資源ベースの観点]]) returns to scale ([[規模の収穫]]) revenue efficiency ([[売上効率性]]) reverse convex programming problem ([[逆凸計画問題]]) reverse theorem ([[反転定理]]) reversed process ([[逆過程]]) risk criteria ([[リスク指標]]) risk management ([[リスク管理]]) robotic cell scheduling ([[ロボティックセルスケジューリング]]) robust algorithm ([[ロバスト化技術]]) Rockafellar, R. Tyrrell ([[ロッカフェラー, R・ティレル]]) role of option ([[オプションの役割]]) rough set ([[ラフセット]]) routing ([[工程順序]]) routing probability ([[経路選択確率]]) ruin problem ([[破産の問題]]) === S === Saaty, Thomas L. ([[サーティ, トマス・L]]) saddle point theorem ([[鞍点定理]]) sampling ([[サンプリング]]) sampling inspection ([[抜取検査]]) satisfiability problem ([[充足可能性問題]]) satisficing ([[満足化]]) saving method ([[セービング法]]) saving method ([[節約法]]) scale efficiency ([[規模の効率性]]) scatter diagram ([[散布図]]) scheduling algorithm ([[スケジューリングアルゴリズム]]) scheduling problem ([[スケジューリング問題]]) scheduling software ([[スケジューリングソフトウェア]]) scheduling theory ([[スケジューリング理論]]) scheduling under resource constraint ([[資源制約付きスケジューリング]]) scheme theorem ([[スキーマ定理]]) SCM (supply chain management) ([[SCM]]) search game ([[探索ゲーム]]) search model ([[探索モデル]]) search theory ([[探索理論]]) searcher ([[探索者]]) seasonal adjustment ([[季節調整法]]) second-order cone programming ([[2次錐計画]]) second-order necessary optimality condition ([[2次の最適性必要条件]]) second-order sufficient optimality condition ([[2次の最適性十分条件]]) securitization ([[証券化]]) security level ([[保証水準]]) security market model ([[証券市場モデル]]) segmentation analysis ([[セグメンテーション分析]]) self-concordant barrier function ([[自己整合障壁関数]]) self-controlled and distributed production system ([[自律分散型生産システム]]) self-organization ([[自己組織化]]) self-scaled barrier function ([[自己変換的障壁関数]]) semidefinite programming ([[半正定値計画]]) semidefinite programming relaxation ([[半正定値計画緩和]]) semi-Markov process ([[セミマルコフ過程]]) sensitivity analysis ([[感度分析 (システム分析における)]]) sensitivity analysis ([[感度分析 (数理計画の)]]) sensor ([[センサー]]) separation problem ([[分離問題]]) sequencing ([[順序付け]]) sequencing function ([[順序付け関数]]) sequencing rule ([[順序付け規則]]) sequential decision process ([[逐次決定過程]]) sequential equilibrium ([[逐次均衡]]) sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method ([[逐次2次計画法]]) service ([[サービス]]) service discipline ([[サービス規律]]) service rate ([[サービス率]]) service system ([[サービスシステム]]) service time distribution ([[サービス時間分布]]) set covering problem ([[集合カバー問題]]) set covering problem ([[集合被覆問題]]) seven tools for new product planning ([[商品企画七つ道具]]) Shapley value ([[シャープレイ値]]) Shapley, Lloyd S. ([[シャープレイ, ロイド・S]]) Shapley's labeling method ([[シャープレイのラベル法]]) shift working ([[交代制]]) shifting bottleneck procedure ([[シフティングボトルネック法]]) shortest path problem ([[最短路問題]]) shortest point pair ([[最近点対]]) shortest-longest route problem ([[最短最長ルート問題]]) shortest-service-time-first discipline ([[最短サービス時間順規律]]) sidepayment ([[別払い]]) sighting potential ([[探知ポテンシャル]]) Simon, Herbert A. ([[サイモン, ハーバート・A]]) simple criteria ([[単一評価系 (多段決定過程における)]]) simple facility location problem ([[単純施設配置問題]]) simple interest ([[単利]]) simplex method ([[シンプレックス法]]) simplex method ([[単体法]]) simulated annealing ([[アニーリング法]]) simulated annealing ([[シミュレーテドアニーリング法]]) simulation ([[シミュレーション]]) simulation language ([[シミュレーション言語]]) simulation model validation ([[シミュレーションモデルの妥当性の検証]]) simulation model verification ([[シミュレーションモデルの正当性の検証]]) simulation software ([[シミュレーションソフトウェア]]) simulator ([[シミュレータ]]) single model assembly line ([[単一品種組立ライン]]) single-person voting system ([[小選挙区制]]) SIS (strategic information system) ([[SIS]]) skeleton ([[スケルトン]]) slab method ([[スラブ法]]) slack ([[スラック (DEAの)]]) slack variable ([[スラック変数]]) slacks-based measure of efficiency ([[スラック基準効率値]]) smallest enclosing circle ([[最小包含円]]) smoothing ([[平準化 (JIT生産システムにおける)]]) soft computing ([[ソフトコンピューティング]]) software patent ([[ソフトウェア特許]]) software reliability ([[ソフトウェア信頼性]]) software reliability assessment ([[ソフトウェア信頼性評価]]) software reliability growth model ([[ソフトウェア信頼度成長モデル]]) software testing ([[ソフトウェアテスト]]) sojourn time ([[滞在時間]]) Solow's condition ([[ソロー条件]]) solution of multiple integral ([[多重積分の解法]]) solution of multiple summation ([[多重和の解法]]) solver ([[ソルバー]]) spatial interaction model ([[空間相互作用モデル]]) speculation ([[投機]]) SQC (statistical quality control) ([[SQC]]) <math>(s,S)</math> policy ([[(s,S)方策]]) stability of queue ([[待ち行列の安定性]]) stability theory ([[安定性理論 (数理計画の)]]) stable marriage problem ([[安定結婚問題]]) stable set ([[安定集合]]) staff scheduling ([[スタッフスケジューリング]]) state deterioration system ([[状態劣化システム]]) state space ([[状態空間]]) statement of sources and uses of funds ([[資金運用表]]) state-space reduction method ([[状態縮約法]]) stationary distribution ([[定常分布]]) stationary process ([[定常過程]]) stationary state probability ([[定常状態確率]]) stationary target problem ([[静止目標問題]]) statistical analysis of data ([[データの統計的解析]]) statistical analysis of experimental results by simulation ([[シミュレーション実験の統計的解析]]) statistical testing for lifetime ([[寿命検定]]) steady state ([[定常状態]]) steepest descent method ([[最急降下法]]) Steiner tree ([[シュタイナー最小木]]) stereographic projection ([[立体射影]]) stochastic DEA method ([[確率的DEA法]]) stochastic decomposition theorem ([[確率的分解定理]]) stochastic differential equation ([[確率微分方程式]]) stochastic dynamic programming ([[確率動的計画]]) stochastic evolution ([[確率的進化 (ゲーム理論における)]]) stochastic game ([[確率ゲーム]]) stochastic integral ([[確率積分]]) stochastic order ([[確率順序]]) stochastic process ([[確率過程]]) stochastic programming ([[確率計画]]) stochastic simulation ([[確率的シミュレーション]]) stochastically stable equilibrium ([[確率的安定均衡 (ゲーム理論の)]]) stock price fluctuation model ([[株価変動モデル]]) stopping time ([[停止時]]) strategic form game ([[戦略形ゲーム]]) strategic information system (SIS) ([[戦略的情報システム]]) strategic intent ([[戦略意志]]) strategy ([[戦略 (ゲーム理論における)]]) stratification ([[層別]]) strict Nash equilibrium ([[狭義ナッシュ均衡]]) strong Markov property ([[強マルコフ性]]) structure of system ([[システム構成 (信頼性の)]]) structured modeling ([[構造化モデリング]]) structured problem ([[構造化問題]]) subgame perfect equilibrium ([[部分ゲーム完全均衡]]) subgradient ([[劣勾配]]) subgradient method ([[劣勾配法]]) submodular flow problem ([[劣モジュラフロー問題]]) submodular function ([[劣モジュラ関数]]) submodular optimization ([[劣モジュラ最適化]]) submodular system ([[劣モジュラシステム]]) sub-optimization ([[部分最適化]]) subsequent withdrawal and later-replenishment production system ([[後工程引き取り後補充生産方式]]) subsumption architecture ([[包摂アーキテクチャ]]) super matrix ([[超行列]]) superadditivity ([[優加法性 (ゲーム理論における)]]) supplementary variable method ([[補助変数法]]) survey on OD (origin-destination) ([[ODの調査]]) swap ([[スワップ]]) symbolic logic ([[記号論理学]]) symbolic perturbation ([[記号摂動]]) symmetric service discipline ([[対称型サービス規律]]) synergy ([[シナジー]]) system dynamics (SD) ([[システムダイナミックス]]) system safety ([[システムの安全性]]) === T === tableau (in linear programming) ([[タブロー (線形計画における)]]) tabu search ([[タブー探索]]) tail of waiting time distribution ([[待ち時間分布の裾]]) Tak¥'acs, Lajos ([[タカーチ, ラジョス]]) tandem queue ([[直列型待ち行列]]) target ([[目標物]]) target costing ([[原価企画]]) target distribution ([[目標分布]]) target position finding problem by position lines ([[方位線による目標位置決め問題]]) Tarjan, Robert E. ([[タージャン, ロバート・E]]) taxi stand model ([[タクシー乗り場モデル]]) TDI (totally dual integrality) ([[TDI性]]) technical analysis ([[テクニカル分析]]) technical efficiency ([[技術効率性]]) technology forecasting ([[技術予測]]) term structure ([[期間構造]]) theorem of alternatives ([[二者択一定理]]) theory of auction ([[入札ゲーム]]) three field notation in scheduling ([[3つ組み記法 (スケジューリング問題の)]]) three time estimate ([[3点見積法]]) three-mirror theory ([[三面鏡理論]]) throughput ([[スループット]]) tightness of stochastic processv ([[確率過程のタイト性]]) time advance mechanism (for simulation) ([[時間制御方式 (シミュレーションの)]]) time bucket ([[タイムバケット]]) time homogeneity ([[斉時性]]) time series analysis ([[時系列解析]]) time table ([[時間割]]) time value of money ([[資金の時間的価値]]) TOC (theory of constraints) ([[TOC]]) topology-oriented method ([[位相優先法]]) total capacity of tree ([[木の総容量]]) total group rationality ([[全体合理性]]) total unimodularity ([[全ユニモジュラ性]]) totally dual integrality (TDI) ([[全双対整数性]]) TQC (total quality control) ([[TQC]]) TQM (total quality management) ([[TQM]]) trade-off analyses ([[トレードオフ分析]]) trading area/location model ([[商圏・立地モデル]]) traffic ([[トラヒック]]) traffic equation ([[トラヒック方程式]]) traffic intensity ([[入力密度]]) traffic intensity ([[利用率]]) traffic policy ([[交通政策]]) transferable utility ([[譲渡可能効用]]) transition ([[推移]]) transition ([[遷移]]) transition probability ([[推移確率]]) transition probability matrix ([[推移確率行列]]) transition rate ([[推移率]]) transition rate matrix ([[推移速度行列]]) transportation problem ([[輸送問題]]) traveling salesman problem (TSP) ([[巡回セールスマン問題]]) tree ([[木]]) tree diagram ([[系統図法]]) triangular distribution of velocity ([[三角速度分布]]) triangulation ([[三角形分割]]) trunk reservation ([[回線留保]]) trust region method ([[信頼領域法]]) TSP (traveling salesman problem) polytope ([[TSP多面体]]) two-person bargaining problem ([[2人交渉問題]]) two-person zerosum game ([[2人ゼロ和ゲーム]]) two-stage programming problem ([[2段階計画問題]]) === U === U shaped production line ([[U字型生産ライン]]) ultimatum game ([[最後通牒ゲーム]]) unbiasedness ([[不偏性]]) uncapacitated facility location problem ([[容量制約なし施設配置問題]]) uncertainty ([[不確定性]]) unconstrained optimization ([[制約なし最適化]]) uncontrollable variable, nondiscretionary variable ([[制御不能変数]]) undirected graph ([[無向グラフ]]) uniform distribution ([[一様分布]]) uniform parallel-machine problem ([[一様並列機械問題]]) uniform random numbers ([[一様乱数]]) uniformization ([[一様化]]) unit invariance ([[単位不変 (DEAにおける)]]) unrelated parallel-machine problem ([[無関連並列機械問題]]) unstructured problem ([[非構造化問題]]) use of funds ([[資金運用]]) utility ([[効用]]) utility function ([[効用関数]]) utility function and stochastic dominance ([[効用関数と確率優越]]) === V === vacation ([[バケーション]]) valuated matroid ([[付値マトロイド]]) valuation ([[企業価値評価]]) value engineering (VE) ([[価値工学]]) value function ([[価値関数]]) value of business unit ([[事業価値]]) value of game ([[ゲームの値]]) value of the stochastic solution ([[確率解の価値]]) VaR (value at risk) ([[VaR]]) <math>¥epsilon¥, </math>-approximation algorithm ([[ε-近似アルゴリズム]]) variable neighborhood search ([[可変近傍法]]) variance ([[分散]]) variance reduction method ([[分散減少法]]) variational inequality problem ([[変分不等式問題]]) vehicle routing problem ([[トラック配送問題]]) vehicle routing problem ([[配送計画問題]]) vehicle routing problem ([[配送問題]]) vehicle routing problem ([[輸送経路問題]]) vehicle routing problem (VRP) ([[運搬経路問題]]) vehicle routing problem with time windows ([[時間枠付き運搬経路問題]]) vehicle scheduling problem ([[運搬車スケジューリング問題]]) vertex connectivity ([[点連結度]]) vertex, node ([[点 (グラフの)]]) virtual input ([[仮想的入力 (DEAの)]]) virtual output ([[仮想的出力 (DEAの)]]) virtual reality (VR) ([[バーチャルリアリティ]]) visibility graph ([[可視グラフ]]) visualization ([[視覚化]]) von Neumann, John ([[フォンノイマン, ジョン]]) von Neumann-Morgenstern solution ([[フォンノイマン・モルゲンシュテルン解]]) von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function ([[フォンノイマン・モルゲンシュテルン効用関数]]) Voronoi diagram ([[ボロノイ図]]) Voronoi diagram based on a generalized distance ([[一般距離ボロノイ図]]) Voronoi diagram for line segments ([[線分ボロノイ図]]) Voronoi diagram for points ([[点ボロノイ図]]) voting game ([[投票ゲーム]]) voting method ([[投票方法]]) voting paradox ([[投票のパラドックス]]) voting theory ([[投票理論]]) VR (virtual reality) ([[VR]]) === W === Wagner-Whitin model ([[ワグナー・ウィッティンモデル]]) waiting time ([[待ち時間]]) waiting time distribution ([[待ち時間分布]]) war game ([[戦争ゲーム]]) Wardrop's two extremal principles ([[ウォードロップの原理]]) weakly stationary process ([[弱定常過程]]) Weber problem ([[ウェーバー問題]]) weighted average cost of capital ([[加重平均資本コスト]]) weighted scenario method ([[重み付けシナリオ法 (探索における)]]) Wiener process ([[ウィーナー過程]]) Wiener, Norbert ([[ウィーナー, ノーバート]]) Wiener-Hopf's integral equation ([[ウィーナー・ホップの方程式]]) Wilson's EOQ model ([[ウィルソンのEOQモデル]]) window analysis ([[ウィンドー分析 (DEAの)]]) work flow ([[ワークフロー]]) work-conserving service ([[仕事量保存型サービス]]) working capital management ([[運転資金管理]]) working condition ([[労働条件]]) === X === === Y === yield curve ([[イールドカーブ]]) yield management ([[施設設備利用効率管理]]) === Z === zero inventory ordering policy ([[ゼロ在庫発注方策]]) zone ([[ゾーン]]) zone theorem ([[ゾーン定理]])